Guidance on Use of Masks by the Food Industry

This document provides guidance to the food industry on the use of masks.The food industry in this document refers to all establishments involved in food including importers, processors, slaughterhouses, farms and retail.

Masks refer to coverings for the mouth and nostrils. They are commonly available as face (cloth) masks, paper masks, surgical masks, spit guards, N95 masks or
respirators. Masks may be disposable (e.g. paper masks, surgical masks, N95 masks) or reusable (e.g. cloth masks, spit guard). Reusable respirators with filter cartridges can be used as an alternative to N95 masks. Both reusable respirators and N95 masks need to be properly fit tested for the user.

Food industry members are expected to do due diligence in assessing and identifying employees who should wear adequate protection to ensure food hygiene and safety, as well as to minimise any transmission of diseases from animals.


FoodProcessing/Manufacturing Establishments
For those handling cooked or ready-to-eat food, cloth/paper masks or spit/mouth guards should be weared to prevent them from coughing or sneezing onto food.

Poultry Farms
For those entering production areas, where they will have direct contact/handle poultry, cloth/paper masks. should be weared to prevent the introduction of disease to poultry in the farms. However, employees handling potentially sick animals should wear N95 masks. This is to protect employees from diseases
that may be transmitted from sick poultry.

Pig and Poultry Slaughterhouses
To protect employees from diseases that may be transmitted from animals:
• Employees who handle or have direct contact with animals, or work on the slaughtering line are urged to wear N95 masks. If N95 masks are not available, employees can wear surgical masks.
• Employees who handle animal carcasses or viscera should wear surgical masks.

• When disposable masks (such as paper, surgical or N95 masks) are used, change the masks once they become moist, soiled or damaged. Disposable masks should be used once and disposed promptly after use.
• When reusable cloth masks or spit guard masks are used, thoroughly wash them with soap and water regularly and dry them before re-use. Replace them if they
are worn-out.
• Observe hand hygiene after the masks are removed or changed such as washing hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based sanitisers.
• Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on maintenance of reusable respirators.