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Omicro BA.5
There is still much unknown about omicrons, and experts are beginning to learn more about omicrons and how they affect people who have been vaccinated, unvaccinated, or have been infected with Covid-19. Omicron has been the main variant of COVID-19 in the U.S. for months, but has produced several sub-variants that have led to spikes in cases. The latest subvariant of Omicron BA.5 is by far the most transmissible COVID variant, able to evade previous immunity to COVID infection and vaccination. Yes, the Omicron BA.5 sub-variant is easier to catch than the others, and it looks like it’s all over the place right now, infecting anyone regardless of whether you’ve been vaccinated, boosted, and/or have a recent COVID- 19. 19 Attack.
In addition to BA.5’s ability to evade immunity, BA.5 also spreads more easily from person to person than other members of the omicron family, including the omicron variant. In addition to being more transmissible, the BA.5 variant appears to be better at preventing previous immunity from infections and vaccines, meaning that the BA.5 variant has a greater ability to re-infect humans, which may contribute to higher infection rates. BA.5 and its underscore made the omicron variant of COVID-19 much more contagious and capable of infecting more people, but it leads to illness that is, on average, less severe than the delta variant. According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Omicron BA.5 subvariant accounts for 65% of all COVID-19 cases in the US; in just two months, the sub-variant managed to outperform BA.2 and BA.2.12.1, the two previously dominant sub-variants.
Federal estimates show that the rapidly spreading BA.5 sub-variant of COVID-19 has become the dominant variant, accounting for about 54% of new cases in the United States, and the BA.4 sub-variant is responsible for about 16% of recent cases. Variants BA.4 and BA.5 accounted for 80 percent of cases in the United States as of July 12, with BA.5 causing most of the infection, according to the White House COVID-19 Response Team. Cases of COVID-19 are on the rise again – hospitalizations have doubled since early May – and behind this rise is a highly contagious version of the omicron variant known as the BA.5 omicron variant, which roughly explains 65% of cases. coronavirus infection in the US. In Portugal, where COVID-19 vaccination and growth rates are very high, the death and hospitalization rates associated with the latest wave are similar to those of the country’s previous Omicron wave (although there is still nothing like the impact caused by the previous ones). .

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